ARCHIVE - Guided School Excursion - All year groups

From AUD $22.00
  • Duration: 4 Hours (approx.)
  • Location: Hillarys, WA
  • Product code: PW1S0X

Bringing AQWA to life, this guided excursion will give students an in depth understanding of what exactly lies beneath our surface on the West Australian coastline. Students will come face- to - fin with sharks, turtles,  

* A one hour guided experience with AQWA's Ocean Guide

* Work sheets supplied with clipboards and pencils

* Ocean experiment (tailored to each year group)

* Feeding Demonstration (type of feed subject to conditions on the day)

* Exclusive access to the aquarium before opening to the public.

In addition, a set amount of supervising teachers/parent helpers are offered FREE entry at the following ratios:

Supervising Adults ‘Free of Charge’ ratios: 

  • K-Year 3: 1 free adult : 5 students
  • Years 4-12: 1 free adult : 10 students

If you wish to bring additional teachers/parent helpers on the excursion than are included in the Free of Charge ratios, you can purchase additional adult entries at the discounted rate of just $22 as part of your excursion booking.

Please note that a minimum of 25 students is required for this guided excursion experience. Final student numbers to be confirmed 5 days prior to arrival and any student cancellations within 5 days of arrival will be non refundable.