ARCHIVE - AQWA Volunteer Beach Clean Up

From AUD $0.00
  • Duration: 3 Hours (approx.)
  • Location: Hillarys, WA

The AQWA Volunteer Beach Clean Up is running this Sunday March 1 from 8am-10am as part of the annual Clean Up Australia Day community events!

Unfortunately our harbours and beaches are often heavily littered, with man-made waste easily making its way into our waterways and surrounds via wind, currents and poor disposal habits by our community.

This rubbish can have devastating effects for our marine life and other coastal fauna. Its time to clean-up our act and our waste for the benefit of the whole community! Ready to join us?

Need to know:

  • Please register your intention to attend and help up out by selecting the number of participants, click Buy Now and follow the booking prompts (there is of course no charge/cost, this is just the registration process).
  • Please bring/wear enclosed non-slip shoes, a hat, drink bottle, sunscreen and gloves (gardening or thick rubber for protection)
  • Meet at 8am in front of AQWA (our large lawn area): 91 Southside Drive Hillarys
  • AQWA will provide rubbish bags, chilled water to top up your bottles and light refreshments
  • Children under 15 must be accompanied by an adult.

PLUS this year is the 30th Anniversary of the annual Clean Up Australia Day events, so its the perfect opportunity to get involved and become a part of this iconic, proactive community event!